
Indian Institute of Architects Calicut Centre unveils logo for Crossroads – Young Architects Festival 2022

The Indian Institute of Architects, Calicut Centre (IIA, Calicut) has officially announced the much-awaited next edition of CROSSROADS. The event has been scheduled to happen on the 27th, 28th & 29th of October 2022 at Calicut. As part of Crossroads 2022, the event will also host this year’s Young Architects Festival (YAF). The logo for the event was officially launched and revealed by the National Award winning actor, Ms. Aparna Balamurali, at Kochi. Ms. Aparna, who is also an Architect, expressed her excitement for the event and in her message invited all for the highly anticipated national event. The YAF Co-convenor Ar. Sham Salim and Ar. Nimisha Hakkim received the honours from the young actor.

The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) is the national body of Architects in the country. Established in 1917, the Institute today has more than 25,000 members and plays a major role in promoting the profession of architecture by organising and uniting the Architects of India to promote aesthetic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession both in practice and in education. There are currently 23 Chapters, 54 Centres and 18 Sub-centres across the country. The Indian Institute of Architects is represented on various national and international committees connected with architecture, art and the building industry and is also actively associated with International Union of Architects (UIA), The Architects Regional Council Asia (ARCASIA) and South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation of Architects (SAARCH) among others.

The Indian Institute of Architects, Calicut Centre is known for its social & public initiatives apart from holding various events for the fraternity and the public. The centre played a pivotal role in re-imagining the Indian Institute of Architects- National Awards in the year 2015, which won them the Best Centre Award in the country. The National Awards was hosted by the centre along with Crossroads 2016 edition. Indian Institute of Architects, Calicut has taken up several public projects in and around Calicut, Malappuram & Wayanad, paving the way for a design renaissance in the social & cultural fabric of the society.

CROSSROADS, an event hosted and organised by the Indian Institute of Architects, Calicut centre, is one of the most respected forums for critical thinking and ideation in architecture, design, and urbanism. It is an opportunity to deliberate, analyse and critically evaluate where the profession stands, address key issues and to explore newer perspectives on the way forward, connecting the practice to public realm. Since its first edition, bringing design onto the streets, Crossroads has initiated the dialog between the architect’s fraternity and the public at large. Kozhikode city has witnessed this dialog give shape to many public projects and government facilities in its full potential in terms of architectural design, contextual aesthetics, and efficient planning and user prioritisation.

This year’s edition of Crossroads is a much awaited one, as it is going to host one of the biggest celebration of architecture and culture in India. The YOUNG ARCHITECTS FESTIVAL which is an annual festival of the Indian Institute of Architects, has found a place of prominence in the architectural events of the country. With its 2022 festival scheduled to be hosted by the Calicut Centre of the Kerala Chapter of the IIA, the centre promises an eventful three days, end of October.

The Calicut Centre Chairperson of the Indian Institute of Architects, Ar. Vivek P. P. adds that the Calicut fraternity of architects are gearing up to host the city as well this time, along with architects from all over the country, with its exciting keynotes, challenging workshops, much awaited competitions, prestigious awards, curated galleries and much more.

“The Young Architects Festival 2022 shall also be a celebration of our city- Kozhikode, lighting it up along our favourite beach stretch, also making it a BEACH FESTIVAL. It shall be an ode to our continuous efforts of bringing architecture, design and the everyday lives for every person in the city together.” says the Convenor for CROSSROADS, Ar. Noufal C. Hashim.

“Around 1000 young architects across the country shall gather to a common platform to share and disseminate information, discuss the profession among the fraternity, interact with the common public, promote skills and celebrate cultural differences. We also shall have international architects as guests and very eminent key note speakers to kindle and inspire young hearts” quotes National Convenor for YAF 2022, Ar. Brijesh Shaijal.

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