The A’ Design Award recently announced Shigeru Tsuda as a winner in the Architecture, Building and Structure Design category for the exceptional work titled “Grid”. This prestigious recognition highlights the significance of Tsuda’s innovative compound building design within the architecture industry.
The five-story compound building, located in front of Hankyu Railway’s Kobe Line station in Nishinomiya, Japan, stands out for its unique features and functionality. The concrete frame structure provides a robust visual impact while allowing the building to be viewed from all angles. During the day, the grid frame accentuates the structure, while at night, the building blends into the sky, highlighting the integrated advertisements.
Tsuda’s recognition by the A’ Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award serves as motivation for his team to continue pursuing excellence and innovation in future projects. The award also reinforces Tsuda’s commitment to designing buildings that harmonize with their surroundings while serving practical purposes.
The project was a collaborative effort, with structural engineering expertise provided by Etsuji Amano.
Image Courtesy: EINPRESSWIRE