Rêve Rattan launched its first flagship studio in Chennai recently. Located on Govindappa Naicken Street, the 900 sq. ft. studio showcases a curated selection of the brand’s signature rattan furniture, emphasizing craftsmanship, sustainability, and design excellence.
“Rattan isn’t just a material—it is an experience. Known for its strength, flexibility, and aesthetic charm, rattan has transformed from being a humble resource to the cornerstone of luxury interiors,” said M Preeth, Designer and Promoter, Rêve Rattan.
The Chennai studio features iconic designs, including the Haven Lounge Chair, Mosaic Chair, Zenith Dining Chair, and Halo Bar Stool. Each piece undergoes strict quality tests, ensuring high performance and durability. Rêve Rattan places rattan at the forefront of every design, highlighting its eco-friendly properties and sustainability mission.
The company plans to expand into other Indian cities and explore international markets, participating in major interior and architecture exhibitions while fostering industry partnerships. With a strong vision for growth, Rêve Rattan is set to redefine the rattan furniture industry in India and beyond.
Image courtesy: indianretailer.com