India’s steel manufacturer ,’Jindal Stainless’ collaborated with the Architecture & Design Film Festival (ADFF) as a Pavilion Partner recently. This marks the South Asian premiere of the globally renowned event, held at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Mumbai from January 10-12.
The festival showcased a dynamic mix of architecture, design, and cinematic narratives from across the world. Jindal Stainless showcased the transformative potential of stainless steel through a unique pavilion installation designed in collaboration with SHROFFLEรN, a Mumbai-based award-winning design studio.
“Stainless steel has always been close to my heartโit’s a material that symbolizes strength, elegance, and endless possibilities,” said Deepika Jindal, Creative Head and Managing Director, Jindal Lifestyle. “This collaboration resonates with our belief in honoring tradition while embracing modernity.”
The pavilion highlighted stainless steel’s sustainable nature, aligning with modern design sensibilities and offering an eco-friendly solution for architectural excellence. The ADFF has established itself as a leading global platform celebrating the confluence of architecture, design, and storytelling through cinema.
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