Renowned Japanese architect Kengo Kuma has designed two unique Christmas trees for the lobbies of the Tokyo EDITION Ginza and the Tokyo EDITION Toranomon hotels. The trees, made from timber components, will be transformed into furniture after the exhibition.
The exhibition, which runs until December 25 at the Tokyo Edition Ginza and until December 26 at the Tokyo Edition Toranomon, features two trees: “KOMOREBI โ sunlight through the leaves” and “KIGUMI โ woven woods.” The trees were designed to reflect the unique character of the two neighborhoods.
According to Kuma, “We designed Christmas trees to enliven the lobbies of The Tokyo EDITION, Toranomon, and The Tokyo EDITION, Ginza. Both trees were made by stacking small wooden units, each reflecting the unique character of the two neighborhoods.”
The trees use multiple tree species, contributing to the forest’s cycle and growth. After the Christmas season, the tree units will be repurposed into furniture, including tables designed by Kuma and crafted by Japan-based Karimoku Furniture Inc.
A portion of the proceeds from the furniture sale will be donated to Make-A-Wish Japan, a public interest incorporated foundation dedicated to granting the heartfelt wishes of children facing critical illnesses.
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