Kohler India recently hosted the 12th edition of its flagship Pecha Kucha event at Zorba Entertainment, New Delhi, according to a press release. This year’s theme, “Sustainability in Design,” brought together innovative minds in architecture and design to explore the intersection of sustainability and creativity in shaping the future of built spaces.
Since its inception in 2013, Pecha Kucha has established itself as a unique platform for architects and designers to exchange ideas and ignite meaningful conversations. The dynamic formatโ20 slides, 20 seconds per slideโensures engaging, impactful presentations.
This year’s event featured an exceptional panel of speakers, including Geeta Uppal, Principal Architect, Sandeep Geeta & Associates; Raseel Gujral Ansal, Founder, Casa Paradox Luxe; Amit Aurora, Partner, GroupDCA; Sidhartha Talwar, Principal Architect & Co-Founder, Studio Lotus; Debmalya Guha, Principal Architect & Urban Designer, Pace Consultants; and Britta Knobel Gupta, Founding Partner, Studio Symbiosis.
Laura Kohler, Chief Sustainable Living Officer at Kohler Co, emphasized the brand’s commitment to sustainability, stating, “Sustainability is no longer an option; it is a responsibility we all share. At Kohler, we believe in designing products that respect our planet while inspiring creativity and functionality.”
Ranjeet Oak, Managing Director, Kohler South Asia, added, “Pecha Kucha reflects Kohler’s commitment to fostering a community of forward-thinking architects and designers. This year’s focus on sustainability addresses one of the most pressing challenges of our time.”