The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has collaborated with the Wildlife Institute of India to develop and install innovative lighting solutions on the Dehradun-Delhi Expressway. This initiative prioritizes wildlife conservation by minimizing the impact of highway lighting on local wildlife.
The specialized lighting system features a reduced warm light spectrum, decreasing the attraction for insects and subsequently reducing the likelihood of collisions with vehicles. The lighting design also ensures that illumination does not extend beyond the road, minimizing disruption to wildlife behavior.
According to Dr. Bilal Habib, Senior Scientist at the Wildlife Institute of India, “The lighting setup on the elevated road has been carefully designed to avoid concentrated lighting, which can lead to increased bird collisions.”
The NHAI has demonstrated its commitment to environmental sustainability and wildlife conservation through this innovative lighting solution. This approach sets a new standard for highway design and construction, prioritizing the well-being of local wildlife.
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