REFRACTIONS, a groundbreaking cross-cultural design collaboration between Adam Markowitz and Phantom Hands, was unveiled on December 3, 2024, at Sabha BLR in Bangalore, according to a press release. This innovative project was showcased as part of BLR Hubba, a two-week cultural festival celebrating the richness and diversity of Bangalore.
Commissioned by the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC), the collection features five pieces crafted from American red oak, cherry, and maple. The designs include a dining table, bench, two pendant lights, and a wall sconce. Phantom Hands, in collaboration with Adam Markowitz, brought this stunning collection to life.
According to Roderick Wiles, AHEC Regional Director, “The team at Phantom Hands collected data on the volumes of the three species used to make the five pieces. Through our Life Cycle Assessment tool, we calculated that the wood used would take just 1.72 seconds to be replaced in the American hardwood forest through natural regeneration.”
A key aspect of the collaboration was knowledge transfer and skill sharing between Markowitz and Phantom Hands. Adam worked remotely from Australia and in-person during his visits to Bangalore, sharing techniques for laminating timber, sawing veneer, and jig making. Despite the language barrier, Adam built a rapport with the team and developed a deep respect for their hand skills.