Shirish Patel, a renowned urban planner and civil engineer, passed away in Mumbai at the age of 92. Patel was instrumental in shaping Mumbai’s urban landscape, particularly through his work on the Navi Mumbai development plan.
As a key member of the Mumbai Heritage Conservation Committee (MHCC) and the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Heritage Conservation Society (MMRHCS), Patel worked tirelessly to promote sustainable urban development and heritage conservation. His contributions to the Urban Design Research Institute (UDRI) helped shape the city’s urban planning policies.
Patel’s commitment to equitable housing distribution and public transportation initiatives was unwavering. He advocated for self-redevelopment and rental housing management as alternatives to developer-led redevelopment. Patel also promoted the Community Land Trust model for large-scale redevelopment projects.
Through his work, Patel demonstrated a unique blend of technical expertise, passion for urban planning, and commitment to social equity. His legacy continues to inspire urban professionals and policymakers.
Some of Patel’s notable contributions include:
– Critiquing the Development Control Regulations (DCR) 33, which granted additional Floor Space Index (FSI) to various categories
– Drafting documentation to prioritize population density in urban planning
– Promoting heritage incentives and decentralized public consultation processes
– Advocating for public health, public open spaces, and environmental sustainability in urban planning
– Co-authoring the Navi Mumbai development plan
– Developing innovative solutions for Mumbai’s urban issues through his work with the UDRI (Urban Design Research Institute)
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