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in such a fast-paced industry? We stay enhance the work-from-home companies prioritize ergonomic setups,
closely connected with our customers. experience has made it a favourite in especially as more organizations bring
We’re constantly in touch with our recent years. employees back to the office. It’s great
clients, visiting their offices, gathering to see our products being embraced
feedback, and. understanding their The Role of Technology in Innovation here, and we’re excited about the future
needs. This ongoing dialogue is what Technology has played a crucial role in India.
keeps us ahead of trends and ensures in speeding up Humanscale’s design
we’re meeting evolving demands. process. 3D printing and computer- Local Partnerships key to success
Not every idea from customers can aided design (CAD) have allowed us It is imperative to have a local partner.
be implemented, but their feedback is to bring ideas to life faster than ever Our partnership with S Cube has
invaluable in driving innovation. We before. We can now create prototypes been instrumental. They understand
are fortunate to have customers who quickly, test them, and make necessary the Indian market inside and out,
are willing to share their thoughts adjustments long before they go into and they’ve helped us navigate it
and experiences with us. This helps production. This not only saves time successfully. They’re not just a partner;
us create products that truly make a but also ensures that our products they’re an integral part of Humanscale
difference. are both functional and aesthetically in India.
pleasing. This partnership has allowed
The Challenge of Sustainable Design Technology is crucial in keeping up Humanscale to stay true to its
For us, sustainability is fundamental. commitment to quality and
Every product we design must meet sustainability while adapting to the
strict environmental standards, unique needs of the Indian market.
which is no easy task. It’s
challenging to create The Perfect Workstation: A
products that are as Holistic Approach
environmentally friendly The perfect workstation
as ours, but we’re setup is designed to create
committed to it, even a seamless ergonomic
though it makes the experience, no matter
design process more where it is used. Our
complex. products are engineered to
It is equally difficult work best together, but they
to make sustainable can also function effectively
products affordable. on their own. What sets our
We want our products workstation apart is that every
to be accessible, whether component—from the chair
you’re in India or anywhere to the monitor arm to the task
else in the world. It would be lighting—is adjustable to the user.
easy to create something highly This means anyone can sit at one of
sustainable but prohibitively expensive. our workstations and have it perfectly
We work hard to strike the right with the latest trends. As technology tailored to their needs.
balance evolves, so do our products. We sell Whether in India, the U.S.,
technology products like docking or Europe, Humanscale’s ideal
A Personal Favourite: The M-Connect stations and charging units, so staying workstation reflects its commitment
Docking System up-to-date is essential. to ergonomics, sustainability, and
Among our various products, the innovative design.
M-Connect docking system is my The Indian Market: A Surprising Humanscale’s dedication to
favourite. It’s a game-changer for me, Maturity innovation, design, and sustainability
especially when working from home. India is a diverse market, with regions drives its success. By listening to
With just one cable, I can connect like Bangalore being very design- customers and pushing the boundaries
everything-video, sound, power, and conscious, while other areas may focus of ergonomic design, we continue
data-making my workspace clean and more on cost. We’ve been working to lead the industry and set new
efficient. Plus, it’s portable, which on assembling and manufacturing standards. As we expand into markets
makes transitioning from home to more products in India to reduce like India, our commitment to quality
office seamless. costs without compromising on and local collaboration ensures we
While the Freedom Chair remains quality. The market is both mature and remain at the forefront of ergonomic
a standout for us, the M-Connect sophisticated. solutions, making workspaces healthier
system’s ability to simplify and It is encouraging to see Indian and more productive worldwide. n
Architecture Update l November-December 2024 41