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driven approach to sustainability. development landscape. agencies such as the Verified Carbon
This commitment not only enhances To do this, I will focus on integrating Standard (VCS) and Gold Standard
the quality of life for residents but cutting-edge technologies and green to offset any residual environmental
also ensures that our projects are building techniques into every project. impacts, ensuring that sustainability is
environmentally responsible and aligned This includes implementing passive integral to every aspect of living in Vida.
with the future of urban living. design strategies that enhance energy We also employ advanced Building
efficiency and reduce environmental Information Management (BIM)
What challenges have you faced impact. By prioritizing renewable energy systems, which comply with ISO 14064
Q in implementing sustainable sources and carbon offsetting measures, standards, to accurately calculate
practices in real estate, and how have we aim to set a new industry standard greenhouse gas emissions from the
you overcome them? that balances sustainability with market project’s outset. By utilizing Green
Real estate has certainly presented demands and affordability. Power and investing in renewable
its challenges, but we view these By staying ahead of emerging trends carbon credits, we actively minimize
as opportunities for growth and and investing in innovative practices, we our environmental impact while still
innovation. One major challenge is can respond proactively to the evolving focusing on affordability.
the initial investment required for needs of urban residents.
sustainable technologies and practices. Ultimately, my vision for Nila Spaces What role do community spaces
However, we have overcome this by is to create spaces that not only meet Q play in your vision for urban
embracing technology and innovation the needs of today’s consumers but also living, and how are they designed
as core components of our strategy. contribute positively to the environment to enhance the quality of life for
Another challenge is creating and community. residents in Nila Spaces projects?
communal spaces that promote Community spaces are integral to our
community interaction while How does Nila Spaces vision for urban living at Nila Spaces.
maintaining efficiency in construction. Q approach the balance between We recognize that in today’s fast-paced
Our approach has been to design affordability and sustainability in its world, fostering genuine connections
spaces like our Sky-park, which projects, ensuring accessibility for all among residents is crucial for
are accessible to all residents and potential residents? enhancing quality of life. Our approach
encourage community bonds. This focus At Nila Spaces, we believe that to designing these spaces is focused
on connectivity helps us counteract affordability and sustainability on promoting interaction, inclusivity,
urban isolation, a key concern in today’s can—and must—go hand in hand and well-being.
society. in our projects. Our flagship project, At VIDA, we design communal
Efficiency in project delivery is key, Vida in GIFT City, exemplifies this spaces as social hubs to foster resident
and we use advanced construction tech commitment. Its carbon neutrality connections. Thoughtfully crafted, these
to speed timelines while maintaining aligns with global climate objectives areas support engagement through
quality. By investing in industry while incorporating IGBC Platinum- organized events, casual gatherings,
startups and staying attuned to trends, rated green building designs to and shared amenities like the Sky-
we lead in sustainable practices. significantly reduce greenhouse gas park, which offers premium features
We continuously refine methods to emissions. and encourages community bonding.
align with market demands, ensuring To ensure accessibility for all Beyond aesthetics, these spaces
top-notch customer experiences and potential residents, we have taken are built for well-being, with green
using challenges as opportunities for several strategic steps. In partnership landscapes, walking paths, and seating
sustainable innovation. with Deloitte, we conducted a thorough for outdoor enjoyment, enhancing both
carbon accounting exercise that mental and physical health.
In light of your recent award adhered to ISO and GHG protocol Our design approach is resident-
Q ecognition, how do you plan standards. This allowed us to quantify centred, we listen to community
to further innovate and lead Nila both operational and embodied carbon needs to create adaptable spaces,
Spaces in the evolving landscape of emissions and develop a clear roadmap such as children’s play areas, fitness
urban development? for mitigation and neutralization. By zones, and event gathering spots,
Receiving an award is both an regularly assessing our carbon emission catering to diverse activities and
honour and a responsibility that I patterns, we maintain accountability and demographics. These spaces serve
take seriously. It reflects not just transparency throughout the project’s as more than physical areas—they’re
my dedication to excellence and lifecycle. catalysts for building interconnected
sustainability, but also the collective Moreover, Vida emphasizes “Carbon neighbourhoods. By prioritizing quality
efforts of the entire Nila Spaces team. Handprints,” where we help residents communal areas, Nila Spaces enriches
Moving forward, my goal is to continue find innovative solutions to reduce their urban living, enhancing the overall
leading the way in innovation and own carbon footprints. We use high- experience for all residents. n
sustainable real estate within the urban quality carbon credits from reputable
Architecture Update l November-December 2024 35