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‘We provide a comprehensive range
of mobility products and services’
Can you provide an overview of the property. There is significant
Q of your company and the range potential for large mansions and villas
of solutions you offer for different in India, particularly in prime locations
sectors? with high-end amenities, driven by a
TK Elevator offers a comprehensive growing number of affluent buyers
range of mobility products and seeking spacious, comfortable, and
services, including passenger, freight exclusive living spaces. Furthermore,
and panoramic elevators, home with our digital solutions like AGILE
elevators, stair and platform lifts, and the IoT platform, MAX, there are no
escalators, moving walks and PBBs longer any limits to urban mobility.
for low, mid and high-rise properties
across different sectors. TK Elevator What advanced safety
achieved sales of around 9 billion Euros Qfeatures are included in your
in fiscal year 2022/2023. With around elevator systems, and how do you
50,000 employees, 25,000 service ensure compliance with local and
technicians and over 1,000 support international safety standards?
centres globally. Safety is a core value at TK Elevator.
In the Indian market, our enta and All TKE vertical mobility solutions
meta series are among our best-selling are designed to optimize transport
products, providing a comprehensive capacity, space requirements,
range of low to mid-rise solutions safety, energy efficiency, durability
for various scenarios, including with and recyclability. Our elevators are
machine room and machine room-less equipped with world-class safety
applications. Our zeta range of high- features such as overload protection,
speed solutions, on the other hand, is door safety curtain, machine overheat
the preferred choice for many premium protection, unintended movement
high-rise residential and commercial detection, door lock bypass, rescue Our elevators come with
projects. Recently, we introduced our operation system, etc. – plus assorted top-notch safety features,
new enta villa range in India, specifically other features that comply with local including overload protection,
designed for multi-floor houses and international safety standards to
and villas. This solution enhances ensure safe and comfortable ride for a door safety curtain,
accessibility, convenience, comfort, and passengers and staff. machine overheat protection,
safety, ultimately increasing the value Beyond the basics, elevator unintended movement
detection, door lock bypass,
and a rescue operation
system. Additionally,
they include various other
features that meet both
local and international safety
standards, ensuring a safe
and comfortable ride for
passengers and staff, says
Manish Mehan, CEO, TK
Elevator, while speaking to
Architecture Update.
28 Architecture Update l November-December 2024